Mar 9, 2020
In Episode 5 we learned that 2020 is a year of completion — the year to wrap up old stories and patterns, and close the door on anything that is holding us back from our next level. Today’s episode is an honest yet daringly playful guide to HOW you can let go of fear and start your new story. If you’ve been feeling stuck or frustrated, like you’re standing in your own way but just can’t take the first step, this is for you. Katharine Hargreaves, founder of The Fearless Experiment teaches us (with full-on gusto) that so much of our fear is actually just blocked excitement. That there’s a part of us just dying to run and jump into the unknown even if we find a million reasons not to. She explains her method of challenging yourself to simply take action by (a) starting with the smallest first step possible, and (b) telling people you trust to hold you accountable. She explains why pressuring yourself to be the “problem solver” is really just a mechanism of survival that we got stuck in along the way; that we should care a lot more about getting to KNOW the problem first rather than judging how well we employ a solution. We need to learn how to hold ourselves in the mystery… experimentation is valuable play, and if we could stop taking ourselves so seriously, we’d do it a lot more. Sometimes the solution you’re seeking looks a lot different than originally expected, but you’ll never know until you act.
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