Dec 4, 2023
We’re 100% here for Vanessa Rissetto’s accessible, straightforward nutrition advice. She approaches nutrition from an outsider's perspective because, in many ways, she is one. As CEO and Co-Founder of Culina Health, her priority is making clinical nutrition care inclusive and accessible. Vanessa received a Master’s in Science in Marketing from NYU and later completed her Dietetic Internship through their Nutrition and Food Studies Program at Mount Sinai Hospital. Her work in private practice includes treatment of GI disorders, bariatric surgery, weight management, PCOS, and family nutrition. She loves helping clients take an active role in their health journey and motivates them to achieve success. Vanessa was named by Essence magazine as one of the top 5 black nutritionists who will change the way you think about food.
Links from the ep:
Here’s the juice:
How she felt like the nutrition field catered to the 1% and therefore started her company, Culina Health to increase access
The value of a great practitioner as opposed to a bunch of functional tests that aren’t covered by insurance
Her simple, straightforward advice about eating that everyone can benefit from
How to figure out “what works for you” when you have no clue
Her opinion on intermittent fasting and when it’s appropriate
Why it’s okay to want to look good in your body!
How she built her company to be the first nutrition company run by RDs, with investment money, and accepting insurance
Why not eating enough actually keeps you from losing weight
The role of compromise in achieving your health goals
How to incorporate healthy coping mechanisms that aren’t related to food and drink
The importance of sitting in the quiet for clarity and food-related emotions
Tips on how to access nutritious, high quality food when you’re on a budget
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