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Sep 28, 2020

Life update: my mama is FINALLY home after 6 grueling months and we're adapting to her post-COVID needs with help from her wonderful caregivers. It truly does take a village, and there's no way I'd be able to cope without my community. That's why this week, I decided to release my episode with Dr. Robin Berzin of...

Sep 14, 2020

Friendly reminder: I am an herbalist, not a medical doctor. I love plants, PubMed, and combining tradition with science. My mission with this episode is to break down everything I know about post-COVID syndrome and get to the root of how we can fully heal our bodies after experiencing infection or prolonged periods...

Sep 7, 2020

Majo Molfino says that for thousands of years, women have been taught to be “good” instead of powerful. If you’ve ever struggled with self-judgment or feeling shame around your opinions, wants and needs -- then this episode is for you. In her book, "Break The Good Girl Myth," Majo identifies 5 myths we identify...